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Protect Yourself from HPV!

Cervical cancer ranks third among the most common cancers in Malaysian women, with approximately 2,000 women diagnosed annually. The primary cause of cervical cancer is persistent HPV infection, responsible for 95% of cases, mainly attributed to high-risk HPV subtypes (HPV-16 and HPV-18). The HPV vaccine can prevent over 90% of cancers caused by HPV, including cervical, anal, vaginal, and vulvar precancers.

Who should go for HPV vaccination?

Both males and females from age 9 to 45 are recommended to take the vaccine.
Gardasil 9 vaccine provides protection against 9 HPV strains (HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 53 and 58).

At Beacon Hospital, we offer the HPV vaccine for individuals aged 18 and above.

What is HPV?

Human Papillomavirus or HPV is a group of viruses commonly related to sexually transmitted infections. Most infections usually disappear on their own, however, some types of HPV can cause serious conditions like genital warts or cancer.

Both men and women who participate in unprotected sex are at risk of contracting HPV and HPV-related illnesses regardless of age. While HPV is usually a sexually transmitted infection, it is still possible to get infected if one’s mouth, throat, or areas surrounding the genitalia come into contact with the virus.

Cervical cancer is a preventable disease. Indeed, no one should die from cervical cancer. Unfortunately, most women are not aware of the importance of getting screened as well as getting the HPV vaccination. The HPV vaccine can prevent over 90% of cancers caused by HPV; these include cervical anal, vaginal, and vulvar precancers (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022).

HPV has the potential to lead to cancer in the following areas:

Reproductive Area

Reproductive Area

Anus in both
males & females

Tongue & Tonsils

*Terms & Conditions:

  1. This promotion is valid from 29th January 2024 to 30th April 2024.
  2. This promotion includes 3 doses of HPV vaccine.
  3. This promotion excludes registration fee, consultation fee and other additional tests/ medications/ procedures.
  4. All 3 doses of vaccination must be completed within stipulated time frame, non-transferrable, non-refundable, and non- exchangeable for cash or services.
  5. This promotion is valid for self-pay patient only and full payment is required to be made on the 1st appointment date.
  6. Customers are required to make prior appointment for vaccination at Health Screening Centre.
  7. Beacon Hospital reserves the right to change the terms & conditions anytime without prior notice.
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