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Bertolotti Syndrome occurs when a lumbar vertebra (L5) fuses with the sacrum (S1), leading to persistent lower back pain. Due to its nonspecific symptoms, it is often misdiagnosed or missed in clinical settings.

Naomi, a 42-year-old woman with persistent back pain and anxiety over her health, was initially misdiagnosed. Despite normal sensory and nerve conduction tests, her symptoms persisted, and it wasn’t until a CT scan revealed lumbar sacralization that Bertolotti Syndrome was correctly identified.

Treatment began with conservative methods like physical therapy and pain medication, but when these proved ineffective, surgery was performed. A titanium implant, commonly called a “jack,” was used to stabilize the spine. Post-surgery, Naomi experienced significant relief and could stand straight, marking a successful outcome for her condition.

Article source: Sin Chew Daily

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