In conjunction with International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), Berita MMA highlights and recognizing the dedication and contribution of Dr. Felicia Chang to the field of medicine. She is an accomplished palliative care physician in Beacon Hospital and is well liked by her patients as she is passionate, caring and devoted to helping terminally ill patients have dignified, peaceful and comfortable final days.
Diagnosed with polio when she was one, Dr. Felicia has suffered severe nerve injury which resulted in permanent paralysis of her right lower limb. She walks with a limp as her right leg is shorter, smaller and weaker than her left leg. She spent many years as a patient herself and was awed by the doctors who treated her and helped her parents. Her dad also seeks treatments from various practitioners of alternative medicine (including bomohs, sinsehs, Ayurvedic, acupuncture and moxibustion).
At a turning point in life during her late adolescence, she decided to step out of the box, dream big and pursue her ambition of becoming a doctor. She challenges all criticisms and doubt, packed her bags and went off to India. She aspired to be like the doctors and practitioners she has met, as being a doctor was equivalent to helping fellow human beings.
Palliative medicine was a perfect vocation and attraction for Dr Felicia as it encompasses holistic, comprehensive, and individualized approach to patient care. She is passionate about palliative care and believes it is a basic human right.
She completed her MBBS in Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, India and remembers the struggles that she went through because of her disability. Her grit ensured that she persevered through all the challenges that came her way. On the day of her medical graduation, she received a standing audition from the audience for being the epitome of perseverance and determination and it remains as one of the proudest moments in her life.
She started her housemanship at Hospital Teluk Intan and completed her compulsory services at Hospital Manjung. After serving at Hospital Selayang as a palliative care doctor for a year in 2004, she transitioned to serve at Hospis Malaysia, devoted seven years of her career here. In 2012, she moved on to the Assunta Palliative Care Centre and assume the role of Medical Director.
She made a big leap in 2015 and became an independent palliative care practitioner. She is now a palliative care physician at Beacon Hospital.
She is known to be a successful fundraiser and actively fundraises for children with cancer. For her contribution and dedication in palliative care, Dr Felicia was the only female recipient to be awarded the Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian Award (Humanity & Voluntary Service category) by Junior Chamber International Malaysia in 2015. She has also received many other accolades for her contributions.
Dr Felicia wants to see equal opportunities for the disabled community and to inspire them to get out of the box. She has never and will never allow her disability to stop her from achieving her goals.