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Menemukan Rumah Sakit Beacon

Pusat Keunggulan

Pusat Spesialis Kanker

Pusat kanker kami menawarkan beragam program perawatan onkologi yang komprehensif, meliputi: bedah radiasi, dan radioterapi tubuh dengan Teknik stereotaktik.

Info Lanjut

Pusat Keunggulan

Pusat Spesialis Kanker

Pusat kanker kami menawarkan beragam program perawatan onkologi yang komprehensif, meliputi: bedah radiasi, dan radioterapi tubuh dengan Teknik stereotaktik.

Info Lanjut

Teknologi Medis & Fasilitas

Akses ke mesin-mesin mutakhir untuk penyaringan dan pengobatan guna mencapai hasil terbaik dilakukan oleh pakar-pakar terkemuka di Malaysia.

Varian Halcyon™ Radiotherapy

Info Lanjut

TrueBeam® 2.7 Radiotherapy

Info Lanjut

Discovery™️ IQ PET-CT

Info Lanjut

Penawaran Khusus

Jelajahi penawaran perawatan kesehatan terbaru di Beacon Hospital Malaysia dan temukan paket terbaru untuk segala hal mulai dari pemeriksaan kesehatan penting hingga paket kesejahteraan.

cervical screening
tes alergi
promo raya
womens day
Info Lanjut


Telusuri layanan dan inisiatif CSR terbaru di Beacon Hospital Malaysia.

Testimoni Pasien

We are from Indonesia and truly satisfied with the hospitality rendered till date. Kind gestures by the team makes the journey smooth.

Puji HartatiGoogle

Staff nina has been informative and ibu adah has contributed to our pleasant journey at this good hospital. We are from indonesia and highly recommended to all.

Sigit SulistyowidodoGoogle

We are from Indonesia and was recommended to this good hospital via the Facebook page and also my friend was a patient at this good hospital. Services at the lily ward has been attentive and caring too.

R'onetina TarihoranGoogle

The foods provided here are tasty and healthy. Medical teams are nice and friendly.

Ivy Gam Lee NgoGoogle

We are from Indonesia and would give a credit for the reasonable charges which has made our journey and treatment much comfortable and pleasant. Customer service skills are top notch too. My sincere appreciation to chemo department staffs for adding more colours to my visit. Keep up the good job

Helvina TariganGoogle

I'm from Indonesia. The Dr is good, responds quickly and has more complete technology. Lotus Ward has good service.


For the first step I came in here to do health screening, the process is really smooth. All the staff are so friendly & very kind to help me step by step. Thank you ?

Shahirah RuzlanGoogle

I am so blessed with the doctors, nurses, admin and marketing staff in Beacon. My mother was diagnosed and confirmed to have 'cancer'. The doctors examined her carefully. They shared some idea and willing to discuss for a better solution. Many thanks to Dr Mathi Arasu Muthusamy for his caring and concern as a doctor to my mom. Shout out also to the nurses in Tulip ward for their patience, caring and warm-hearted dedication to the patients, not only just to my mother. Ms Esther, Ms Mina, Ms Jocelyn and other staff which can't be mentioned one by one... you are all so helpful. Though I come from Indonesia, I don't feel like a stranger and get lost especially in Beacon Hospital. God Bless you all.

Dewi OngGoogle

We are from Indonesia. Highly recommended. Very happy with Dr Lum Wan Wei and Dr Ibrahim. Keep up the Good Work.

Ilyas DausGoogle

Actually coming from Indonesia based on colleague recommendation, Mina Ripin & Don Liew Handle us very nicely. the Beacon Services are very well informative. Dr. Dato' Ibrahim are very warming & calming person. They will tell you the truth and give you the best option you can get. I believe my mother will cured as soon as possible. ❤︎

Dana MahendraGoogle

Anugerah Antar Bangsa


Beacon Hospital

Beacon Hospital adalah sebuah Rumah Sakit swasta yang berfokus pada perawatan kanker terlengkap di Malaysia, dilengkapi dengan 100 tempat tidur dan lebih dari 120 pakar medis. Fokus utama kami adalah menyediakan peralatan medis canggih & terkini, dokter pakar & spesialis ternama di bidangnya, dan perawat yang profesional & berdedikasi untuk kepentingan para pasien.

Keberhasilan RS Beacon dalam mendirikan dan mengelola Pusat Keunggulan Kanker kami yang pertama telah menginspirasi pengembangan tujuh pusat spesialis lainnya, yaitu Otak & Tulang Belakang, Tulang & Sendi, Mata, Kesehatan Pria & Urologi, Kesehatan Wanita, Pemeriksaan Kesehatan & Kebugaran, dan Pusat Penelitian Klinis. Pusat-pusat keahlian ini didukung oleh pakar medis dari berbagai disiplin yang memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun, dengan banyak yang diakui sebagai pelopor dalam bidangnya masing-masing, baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.

Pada Agustus 2024, Beacon Hospital secara resmi bergabung dengan Asia OneHealthcare Sdn Bhd (A1Health) sebagai salah satu dari lima rumah sakit spesialis terkemuka.

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